(no subject)

Aug 31, 2010 17:29

I'm on the email list for DailyKos.

I just received a blatant book plug in email form from Markos Moulitsas, the founder of DailyKos.

The first few paragraphs are:

Samantha Joy,

Conservatives say a lot of ridiculous things. But few were more ridiculous than the repeated claims that liberals were in league with Islamic terrorists.

Why would we make common cause with terrorists? The values and tactics that make Jihadists so despicable are the same values and tactics embraced by our own homegrown fundamentalists -- the American Taliban.

That's why I wrote the book American Taliban: How War, Sex, Sin, and Power Bind Jihadists and the Radical Right*.

In the book, I show how similar both the American Taliban and Islamic Jihadists are -- from their fetishization of violence and guns, to their love of theocracy, to their hatred of women and gays, to their fear of scientific progress and education, to their weird hangups about sex, to their disdain for popular culture.

I've got to say, I'm pretty proud of this book. It's my best yet. And I'm definitely enjoying the hysteria over it from our friends on the Right. Turns out, they'd rather people not make the obvious connections between them and their supposed enemies!


Markos Moulitsas
Daily Kos

The [...] left out most of the "here's where you can buy my book!" crap.

So it turns out that either the founder of one of the more popular sites frequented by the Internet-literate American left is too goddamn stupid to recognize the irony of "ha ha ha, those stupid righties, they claim we're in league with the terrorists, how stupid and outrageous of them" and "those evil righties are just like the Taliban" within the same few paragraphs, or he does recognize how divisive, ferocious, and counter productive such claims are and is cynically playing people in exactly the same way Fox News does.

Take your pick.

I'm inventing a new tag for this, because it's all too damn common.

* Link avoided because I don't want to be a part of this bullshit.

i am embarrassed to have you on my side

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