From the Associated Press,
about one month ago:
Even though the prospects of deflation - a widespread and prolonged drop in prices for goods, the value of stocks and homes and in wages - is remote, some Fed officials are worried about it. Keeping rates low would help prevent deflationary forces from taking hold.
Emphasis mine.
From the Wall
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He posts lots of good economic stuffs.
This is what globalization leads to. This is inevitable.
And I don't see a point in getting mad at the scorpion when it stings you halfway across the river. The difference between that fable and this reality, though, is that the scorpion ain't gonna die.:)
Seriously, though: unsustainable. I've heard that word used all my life. I knew what it meant. This was predictable.
Same when Obama started getting elected. I was a good cynical Gen Xer, I never really trusted him, but I did think there was an opportunity to reverse a lot of this. The promises to push a strong stimulus and rein in the financial institutions and rethink NAFTA sounded promising. And then we watched him piss away all of his goodwill and political capital in some idiotic attempt to govern to the same center that screwed everything up in the first place. And watched the Republicans undermine the stimulus, then healthcare, and then the financial bill, never intending to vote for any of it, just weaken all of it.
Clearly, the only real option is total systemic failure.
America has been so rich, for so long, that we've come to think we deserve it. We're angry at the corporations for not "giving" us jobs even though there are people perfectly willing and able to them more cheaply in other countries. None of our foreign policy or domestic* policies have had a damn' thing to do with this.
Globalization means that the resources (and that includes jobs and money as much as oil) are going to be far more evenly distributed, and when you're on top, "more even" is a bad thing.
* We maybe could have put this off by investing more into R&D and education. But we cut those things instead.
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