Title: Unforseen Circumstances (Part 1)
Fandom: Law & Order
Characters: Marcus Woll, mentions of Connie Rubirosa, Michael Cutter & Jack McCoy.
Word Count: 310
Rating: PG, I think. Or R, depending on how dirty-minded you are.
Summary: Did they actually think prison would deter Marcus Woll?
Author's Notes: For
flowerings, who encouraged this back when it was called "Untitled Marcus Woll in a Prison Shower Fic." Thank you to
classicspector for your input and for all of your research help re: the NY State prison system. Also, this is ridiculously indulgent for all of those who wanted MORE SEXY SLEAZEBAG. :D
Marcus Woll was too good-looking for prison. He was also too smart, in his own highly-valued opinion. He was only there at Woodbourne Correctional Facility by a mistake - one that would be corrected soon and for which certain people would pay. As he stood in the shower, Woll tilted his head back and let the water hit his face.
Being a former assistant district attorney-and going to prison for a murder committed while he was an ADA-had only one perk: he was kept out of the general population and in the Vulnerable Prisoners block. The shower stall was still communal, but there were less people per shift and the space was larger. There was also the fact that he wasn’t being made anyone’s bitch.
As he washed his hair, (with nothing less than $20 shampoo, which had been brought to him by a visitor) Woll thought about the people who were responsible for taking his freedom.
The real killer-the gunman he hired-was the first person who came to mind. The man was a simple thug who would be out in 10-15, thanks to the District Attorney, Jack McCoy. But while the thug and the DA had definitely been eager, Marcus knew that the true forces behind his imprisonment were the overzealous Executive ADA, Mike Cutter, and his assistant, Connie “Little Miss Self-Righteous” Rubirosa.
Woll worked the shampoo into a lather and suds slid down his broad shoulder blades as he did so. His chest rose and fell as his anger increased.
“Are you going to kill me like you did those other witnesses?”
He remembered Connie’s snide tone before she sashayed past him, like she was better or something special for holding onto her morals.
A wicked grin crept onto Woll’s face as he reached for the soap. They would soon see just how amoral he could be.