(no subject)

Aug 21, 2008 10:29

This is going to be such a cool semester! I love what I do.

This fall, my classes are: textiles, dresses, tailoring, illustration, and ethics. I have to take ethics as part of my gen eds, I'm not expecting much from it. But I just had my first textiles class. We'll be learning to felt, weave, make tapestry, dye yarns, and possibly crochet and embroider, depending on time constraints. We'll be learning to felt on Tuesday, and I'm really excited. I've been trying to teach myself for a while now and it never seems to work. I'm hoping that taking this textiles class will help me with my designing, understanding how fabrics are made and how they work and all that. This is different from the textiles class that is required by my major, which is a lecture class that has to do with fibers and their properties as opposed to making them. Dresses is self explanatory; tailoring includes jackets, pants, and further exploration into skirts. Illustration refers to fashion illustration and not comics or cartoons or anything.

I know it will be a lot of work but I know it will also be a lot of fun.

A friend of mine said she hated her summer because she was taking classes all summer and she found them so boring. I think my summer would have been way more fun if I had been taking summer courses. If you don't like what you're doing, why make an investment of between $20-40K/year? You'll never see a return on it if you hate it, because you won't stay in that field.

At least, that is the thinking in my family: if you do what you love, and you work hard at it, you will make lots of money doing it. (Unless you become a teacher, in which case you won't make any money but you'll make a difference, which is almost as good.)
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