Murphy's Law of Thermodynamics. (Kingdom Hearts 2, Xigbar/Demyx.)

Jun 16, 2008 03:01

Title: Murphy's Law of Thermodynamics.
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts 2.
Warnings: None.
Characters/couples: Xigbar/Demyx.
Summary: Demyx really hopes that things don't go more wrong here: the only thing that he needs, now, is to be afraid of the ocean.
Rating: NC17.
Notes: Written for springkink: Kingdom Hearts, Xigbar/Demyx: dark water - go deep enough in an ocean and the pressure's enough to crush you.

Murphy's Law of Thermodynamics.

This right here is scary: the water is so dark that it feels as if it's not moving, even when Demyx knows that's not the case since, you know: he's the one that keeps moving them down and down. He knows that, in theory, he could get out of this Xigbar-powered-up bubble and step outside and nothing would happen to him, since it's still water.

It just happens that theories and him are not the best of friends in a good day, and he's already not looking forward to fighting that big ass gigantic metal crab.

“Why couldn't we just open a door there?” He asks Xigbar, wishing there was more light around here.

He so doesn't care that they're supposedly made of darkness. It's still scary as hell, especially because he knows what kind of creeps crawl through it, and he doesn't want to end up scared of the ocean. That'd royally and absolutely suck.

“'cause no one knows where Atlantis is,” Xigbar says and shrugs. Demyx can feel it from where he's pressing right to his side, just barely avoiding to cling. “So we can just open a door to no-where, right?”

He hates the sound of logic because if things worked really like that, they wouldn't be nobodies, right? And Demyx isn't even sure why they're going there, just knows something about seeing a stone and Vexen being even pissier than usual, and he swallows and tries to keep notice of the water currents and see if he can feel if something the size of a moon comes swimming towards them.

He hates these dark waters - really, any dark water, like the ones from Luxord's world that actually crush you as if they had a mind of their own - but he keeps his senses focused. He's one with the water, ready like this, just about, and even like this the water is soothing. He wonders if Xigbar likes the pressure of it 'cause that's kind of his thing, too, and he's about to ask when there's something...


He barely has enough time to get his sitar back, for Xigbar to keep the tight bubble around them safe before the thing he's been fearing since they were sent here decides they're its snack, and there's barely enough light inside to see huge huge clamps and the weird shit upon it's shell that Vexen wants to study (and why didn't he come if he was so interested?!).

“Kid, you gotta take care of it,” Xigbar says and damn him, he's grinning. “I've my hands busy with this.”

“Me?!” But even then he's playing his sitar and he can't make his clones here but he can use the water currents against the Leviathan, gotta keep making them move, fingers twisting over the cords of his sitar, playing-playing-playing-- Xigbar's grin was against his neck and his hands were tugging at his coat, a hand getting inside his pants, and--

“What are you doing?!” 'cause seriously: any other time he wouldn't mind the way Xigbar licks at his neck, the way he's rocking against his body, tugging his hips closer.

When he's playing to keep them alive? Not the best idea.

“You look hot when you're all business,” Xigbar growls against his ear before he bites at it and Demyx' traitorous cock twitches at that and he has to focus twice as hard unto doing all this with the music, thinking water-music-streams and not the way Xigbar has started tugging at his cock.

Finding the damn pipe-like structure to get in it's luck that Demyx never thought he could have: but they're barely fast enough to make use of it, and the crab is still almost there, fast on their track and Demyx hasn't been as happy as he is right now about leaving the water ever.

Xigbar laughs when they're out, short gaspy breathes that boom over the cave and Demyx is trembling, fear still running through his body, his pants undone and his cock hard.

“Now, that's what I call a ride,” Xigbar says, grinning like a wolf as he gets close, a she presses him against the floor.

“You're crazy,” Demyx moans, a breathy, whimpering sound that breaks as Xigbar takes his cock in his hand again and his eyes cross over.

“Might be so,” Xigbar concedes, kneeling between his legs, tugging his trousers around his knees, his gloves cool and smooth. “But so are you.”

And he very well might be, because he moans loud and clear when Xigbar takes his cock in his mouth, holding his hips harshly so that he can't thrust even if he wants to, and he pretty much wails as Xigbar really takes him deep, enough that he can feel the head of his cock on his throat and Xigbar still seems to think this is all the best fun he's ever had.

The adrenaline is almost the same than before, with the whole knowing that the water could crush them because it's the same, here, if Xigbar wanted to, just knowing that he doesn't, not right then, and Demyx comes so hard that it feels as if his lungs would burst out.

Xigbar kisses him when he's still riding his orgasm out, stealing what little air Demyx has left, and he tastes himself in his mouth. He does his bes to touch his shoulders and try to coordinate his hands enough to touch him too, but Xigbar has taken care of that, so Demyx just presses against him, feels the way Xigbar rubs himself off against his hip and then his come on his skin.

If they were back at the World That Never Was, he'd fall asleep right then, but it's barely a few minutes later that Xigbar is pushing himself up, and Demyx mourns the lack of time for a second as he has to find his balance to stand up.

“Ready to keep going?”

Atlantis is in the middle of a volcano that might very well decide to go active again any second now and according to what Vexen had said, there were most likely gonna be a lot of monsters and heartless and who knew what else.

“If I say no, can we go back?”

Xigbar's laugh tells him the answer, so Demyx sighs and keeps on walking.

kh: demyx, kh: xigbar, genre: pwp, rating: nc17, fic: kingdom hearts

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