Code Geass - Cheat Destiny.

Dec 18, 2007 16:49

Title: Cheat Destiny
Fandom: Code Geass.
Warnings: Incest.
Characters/couples: Cornelia/Euphie.
Summary: Cornelia only allows herself one weakness.
Rating: PG.

Cheat Destiny
Euphie's 'welcome home' comes in the form of her arms around her waist, of the sweet, sweet scent of her hair and her face against her neck.

Cornelia sighs, and she only allows herself a moment to be weary and to lean against the gentle warmth of her sister's body, wrapping her arms around her.

"You should take a bath," Euphie murmurs, smiling at her. She wants to ask, Cornelia knows. She wants to ask what she ordered, where she went, if she killed anyone today but she doesn't. The questions are just held within her eyes, a slight blame that Euphie feels to guilty to voice.

Cornelia feels no guilt whatsoever in making sure that neither her nor her sister will ever be dismissed by their father. Even with older brother Schneider, Cornelia still remembers Lelouch and Nanaly's disgrace to allow herself even a moment of rest.

"I'll prepare your bath," Euphie says. It's late. So late that it's early, and her sister's nightgown clings to her breasts, to her hips. Cornelia can't feel it with her gloves still on but she knows how soft it is from all the times she and Euphie share the same bed. It's a weakness and she knows it, but for Marianne and Lelouch and Nanaly who didn't survive, she has to remain human. She can't allow herself not to be, when she owes them so much.

"Go and take your bath while I ask one of the maids to bring you some tea. Or would you rather have wine?" Euphie smiles through her voice for her sake, her hands still around her. "I'll wash your hair if you want. Sister, you need to rest."

Cornelia laughs a little and closes her eyes. Her own 'I'm back' comes as a kiss against her sister's neck, moving as Euphie exhales her name, with another one over her lips, Euphie's gentle lips moving over hers, sweet and kind and there.

One weakness to remain human. It's alright.

cg: euphemia li britannia, warnings: incest, cg: cornelia li britannia, fic: code geass, genre: romance, genre: smut, rating: pg

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