Title: Rest for the Unwicked.
Fandom: Young Justice Animated.
Contents: Cuddlepiles and sleepy teen heroes.
Characters/couples: The whole team.
Summary: The team had long gone past any lasting energy reserves they had.
Rating: PG.
Notes: Originally written for
yj_anon_meme Rest for the Unwicked
When the League finally said they were free to go to their base, the relief was so strong that Kaldur could almost taste it. The team had long gone past any lasting energy reserves they had, past any stubborness to stay standing and they were, he believed, simply working because they had to.
When they were told they could go back to their base, the sigh was collective. Artemis usually sharp eyes were half closed, her hand on M'gann's back to help their friend walk without stumbling, M'gann's head on Artemis shoulder, barely awake. Superboy sighed, hand on Wally's shoulder to shake him awake, something he had been doing for the past hour. Robin rubbed his face as if he could get himself to wake up like that.
He sighed, a hand on Robin's shoulder. "Let's go home."
"Didn't you say you were used to long days, Rob?" Wally asked as the six of them dragged their feet towards the bio-ship, half allowing Superboy to herd him.
"Thirty six hours days? Piece of cake," Robin said, but even his usual sarcasm and cynicism was stripped to the bone, as if he was dragging every last resource of energy to be able to talk, nevermind be cynical about things. "A seventy four hours day? That's pushing it."
Seventy four hours of fighting, and not being able to pause, of helping the League. Kaldur knew they had done a good job, his king had said as much in the spare few minutes he had for that, but that didn't erase the fear, the stress. There had been far too many close calls. He doesn't think any of them will forget M'gann's frightened scream anytime soon, or how he had to stop Artemis from actually killing the man who had hurt M'gann. The way for more than once in the past three days he was sure he was going to lose one - or more - members of his team.
"I think we might have to crash here," Artemis says, looking at him and then looking at M'gann, offering him a 'don't you see she's exhausted' look. There are deep, almost bruise-like shadows underneath M'gann's eyes.
M'gann startles awake, shaking her head.
"No, no, I totally..." and then she paused, shyly looking up at him, biting her lip. "... I can take us, but if we could rest for an hour or two first it'd probably be safer. My brainwaves are screaming 'sleep' and I'm not sure the bioship won't just turn into a flying bed if I try to fly it like this."
"You are tired too," Superboy says. All of them are tired, frayed and barely standing.
"If we're sleeping, can we do it now, please?" Wally asks, not quite a whine in his voice. "I'm about to start snoring."
"... we should rest," he agrees, sighing. M'gann doesn't bounce but for a moment she brightens as she calls forth her ship, opening it for them.
Instead of chairs, this time, what passes as a bed appears. M'gann wastes no time crawling there, her exhaustion almost making her melt. Artemis pauses a moment before she shrugs, taking off bow, quiver, belt and (something she has only done a couple of times, recently) her mask as well, moving to lay down with M'gann, M'gann moving to cuddle close. Wally seems to try to say something but a yawn eats his words and he just stumbles to take off his boots, curling behind M'gann. Robin does manage to mention something about being too old for sleepovers as he yawns, boots off and utility belt taken but leaven nearby, he and Wally fighting for a few moments while they tried to get themselves comfortable until Artemis said that the next one who kicked was going to find himself with one of her arrows where the sun don't shine. Superboy was taking off his boots when he turned to look towards him.
He had been sitting by the bed, thinking that he ought to stay awake, take care of things. If the members of the League came by, someone ought to explain why they hadn't gone to the base, and he was the leader. The responsibility falls on his shoulders and he--
"You are tired too," Superboy says in a way that Kaldur translates into 'if I have to drag you into this bed so you sleep, the gods help you because I will'.
It's enough to make him smile, almost laugh if he didn't want to risk Artemis' anger, so he shakes his head, putting guns down as he moves towards the rest of his team, curling behind Superboy as he rests besides Artemis, Wally - and yes, Robin too - already snoring.
His team is safe and warm and there. Kaldur sighs, closes his eyes, and rests.