May 28, 2006 15:45
Hey all...I know some of you know this and some don't. I went thru surgery on Wed. May 24th and my surgery went well. I have been up and about since the day of surgery and really only had one bad day. I'm feeling well and stopped taking pain meds about the 2nd or 3rd day after surgery. I plan on journaling all the events but just not right now. I have yet to see my chest as I am not suppose to take the compression vest off and it is too painful to take the pressure off anyways. Everything is fine except not being able to take a shower and having to ask for help for ALOT of things. The drains are probably the worst part off all but they should be removed Thursday, I can also take a shower which is probably the most exciting part of all. The bad thing that happened during surgery was that J, R and my mom got in a car accident during the time i was on the table. A girl slammed into the back of the car causing a lot of damage, but only to the car and not to the people in the car which is good. My mom and R were around once I woke up but J was no where to be found and they just kept telling me different things to stall because my mom decided not to tell me right when I woke up, which is probably a good idea. I was soo confused once they told me (i was still very out of it) but everyone was ok which I am very happy about. Well, I am getting tired so I am going to end it here. I just wanted to say thank you to all the people for the comments, calls and texts wishing me good luck It made me feel very loved.