I love this video, because not only is it funny, but it is so fucking true.
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Everyone is fucking with Christmas, finding one thing to complain about it or another. So lets set the facts straight now, shall we?
1. Santa's 'ho, ho, ho'-ing is not fucking sexist. I'm a girl, I ain't got one damn thing to bitch about when it comes to this. So the guy says ho, ho, ho. He also brings joy, wonder, and presents. STOP YOUR BITCHING!
Besides, until people stop calling each other bitches, ho's, and other such shit, leave Santa alone, seriously.
2. Stop taking everything personally or to the offensive. If you don't like my religion, you can kiss. my. ass. I don't like yours either, I'm sure. Doesn't mean I have to ruin everything for you! If I'm not screwing with yours, don't screw with mine! Fucking put Christmas plays back in school, and our Christmas songs back in plays! I BELIEVE IN GOD. GOD IS A PART OF CHRISTMAS! If you don't believe in God, you shouldn't be celebrating Christmas, dumbass. Therefore, you shouldn't be partaking in our plays, and therefore shouldn't be offended, because you shouldn't even be there! THINK FOR A MINUTE! If you're just being a greedy fuck and doing it for presents, or whatever other lame reason, stay away from the stuff that offends you. Christmas is the birth of Christ...somehow I think that brings religion in!
3. You want to be atheist, be my fucking guest. But stop trying to push it on the rest of the world and ruining things like Christmas for the rest of us! I guess this kind of ties in with two, but seriously. Ya'll are just as bad as any other religious nut. You're pushing your believe that God does not exist, as they push the belief that he does. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE. Get. Over. Yourselves.
4. Christmas is supposed to be about joy and wonder for kids. Presents, lights, Christmas trees, and carolling. Stop putting your petty and childish behavior ahead of children who only want a little light in their lives.
5. It's Merry fucking Christmas or Happy Hannaukah, or whatever. It is NOT Happy Holidays. Fuck you and your Happy Holidays. MERRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS!
That's all. Lol. Sorry, it just pisses me off that people bitch constantly, sue at every opportunity, and constantly try to fuck with tradition and a way of life that, well to be honest, is just fine as it is.
If you don't like the way this country is run, try and help instead of bitch. If you think some other country has the right idea, move dumbass. We don't need you here, now do we? Nope, think our population is rather secure. Go to some other fucked country where gender and race matter, where there isn't even a hint of equality, and where children have to be abandoned because they aren't allowed to be brought to an orphange.
Be thankful for what you have and stop your bitching! STOP RUINING CHRISTMAS, HOLIDAYS, AND TRADITIONS FOR THE REST OF US! Do not participate if it upsets you, don't try and take it from the rest of us.