Getting your butt fucked is one of the pleasures and privileges of being a gay man (413)

Jul 08, 2006 15:36

I found this quiz in an old Utne Reader. Assuming we all have some feminine and masculine traits, this quiz assesses the ratio.
I found this to be interesting, especially item # 8 (haha). Maybe you will too.
If you want to, leaved your quiz results in comments.Scoring key follows the quiz. I found myself amazed at the distinction between gender, yet fluidity at the same time. I also found myself laughing quite a lot. I hope you have fun, and how do you think Brian and Justin would answer these questions?

The Gender Quotient Quiz

1. I am...
A. happy to relate warmly and humorously with my male and female colleagues while simultaneously focusing on project deadlines.
B. hard-pressed to understand why people can't leave me alone when it's clear that I need to attend to pressing business.

2. I feel...
A. natural and comfortable in motion and emotion, both calm and chaotic.
B. uneasy when people change plans at the last minute, schedules and routines are the most efficient way I know to accomplish my goals.

3. I can and do...
A. enjoy extreme intensity in many dimensions, including sexually, intellectually, and socially.
B. contain and overexuberance. Strong emotions have their place, but I usually prefer peace and harmony tot wild abandon.

4. I don't...
A. ignore my love of life for the sake of accomplishing a project or meeting the bottom line.
B. lose track of my commitments. I am very trustworthy, since I do what I say I will without changing my mind or getting distracted.

5. I consider myself...
A. a practiced artist of the earth's elements, sensual skills, ans beautiful adornment.
B. a practical and effective person; I tend to concern my self more with function than form.

6. I...
A. may get frazzled but am always at home in the always unpredictable ups and downs of birth, life, and death.
B. lose my patience with endless drama around people's lives, so I choose to focus on achievable goals.

7. I am driven...
A. to create real love and cooperation in the world more strongly than to achieve a specific set of quantifiable goals.
B. to make the most of my capacities and create something great, or die trying.

8. The bittersweet heartache of yearning, rather than the desire for accomplishment, is the bodily source of my passion and creativity.
B. What exactly does this mean?

9. Although AI may enjoy...
A. silence, solitude, and meditation, my6 soul is most often healed by sharing laughter and love with my friends, talking, dancing, and celebrating our precious life together.
B. spending time with friends and family, my soul is most healed and inspired by solitude, intentional austerity, and extreme challenge.

10. I'm happy...
A. to multi-task. I can talk on the phone with a disgruntled employee, hug my lover, and write a business proposal at the same time.
B. when I get a solid block of time to work on one thing and get it done so I am free to move on to the next thing.

Feminine point for A
Masculine point for B
Nit all of us have equal access to our inner masculine and feminine genius. Don't try to balance yourself, instead team up with others who complement you.

Quiz developed by David Deida, founding member of the Integral Institute for Holistic Psychology.

My results:
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