Nov 21, 2010 16:29

so my goal is to read this:

some of my favorite quotes:


-I caught sight of the silky shiny brown hair and the neutral expression he was wearing on his face, which I find totally sexy. His constant biting of his pink lips diverted my attention, causing me to open my own mouth in awe.
The wind seemed to be blowing his way, his hair flapping and moving to it, as if he was filming a commercial. And I have never seen a guy look so hot in a UNIFORM before. His muscles rippled against the tight sleeves of the buttoned up T-shirt and I was quick enough to stop myself from drooling and causing myself an embarrassment on the first day of school.
Damn! Muscles! Biceps! God created these for a reason!

-Damn, you have GOT to get rid of that moustache! Call the Deforestation Company or whatsoever to get that jungle cleaned up from that upper lip of yours.

- He even smells nice..
His scent got caught into my nose, interestingly sweet. Like vanilla.
I wonder if he tastes nice too..

- “what the fu-.. you noob!” I cursed myself softly.

-I felt him getting closer and closer till the space between us were totally unlimited. I was aware that we were the only ones left in the class.

- “Hmm..Babe..”
He touched my arm.
The hair around my neck sprang to life. Oh my god. Skinship. If only he was not so gorgeous, I would have kicked his pretty ass..

- *smack smack smack*
How ignorant can you get, you noob??
I continued smacking my forehead, in vain of ridding off the memory of Jonghyun pointing at my pink bra.

-“How do you know my name?” I raised my eyebrows. Can his big hypnotizing eyes see it all, like an X-Ray machine?

-“so you’re new? I’ve never seen you before!” he asked.

- “pfft, fine.. how do you know all this, Love Guru?” I muttered. Minho grinned. “well, I’ve experienced this not long ago. And I still do!” he giggled.
I’ve never heard a guy giggled like that before. “what do you mean, Minho?” I looked up at him quizzically.

-“Juyeon, this is my boy, Taemin. My full-time lover!” Minho cooed. Taemin let go of Minho’s waist and went up to me, smiling. Boy, he has a really girlish face. And so pretty..

- “I’m his boyfriend! We’ve been together since a last year!” Taemin hugged Minho as Minho planted a kiss on his forehead. I glanced at Minho. “Wow, and you didn’t tell me about it?” I laughed.
“Well, I wanted to. But I guess I forgot. Babe, bisexuality is the TREND! You should forget about Jonghyun and find a hot girl instead!” Minho suggested with Taemin right by his side, nodding his head away, grinning.

-I swear, I love horror movies. To the fucking core!

-“my boyfriend!” Key smiled proudly. “together since the beginning of the school year. We’re like, the best thing ever in the entire universe! Better than Brangelina! Girl, bisexuality is the IN thing now! You should consider thinking twice about getting it on with this..this..NICOMPOOP here!”

i'm at chapter 7 now. i can't anymore. the tags say smut. i'm hoping it starts in chapter 8 since jonghyun is already rubbing her up. BUT IT'S OKAY BECAUSE HE'S GORGEOUS~ well key cockblocked jong. apparently it's so hard, it's causing a dent in the oc's thigh btw.

*shinee, #delusional fangirl, #ide

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