Been a busy last couple of days...

Dec 23, 2009 16:25

So, I flew home on Thursday, the 17th, for Christmas holidays. Mom and Mike picked me up from the airport, and brought me to the house. I unpacked, and then mom, sister and I ran around. I got to go shopping on the army base for the first time, even though I've technically had access since my mom married Mike. It's pretty wonderful. And no sales tax? Sweet! Friday, mom went to work, and I ran around with my sister, which ended up in a stupid blowout, because of course I'm evil, I'm horrible. I'm never going to change, and thus, she has every reason to hate me and yell at me and tell me I should never come home. Ever.

Yeah, I walked home from where we were rather than deal with her, which pissed her off even more and she called my cell phone screaming at me repeatedly telling me I had to get my ass back to the bus stop with her or else.

Yeah. Right.

Saturday and Sunday I cleaned house, and helped mom with baking. There is lots of holiday baking going on. Monday was more of the same. Mom and I went shopping for some ingredients, and came home and baked some more. 3 kinds of brownies, butterscotch bars, and blonde brownies. Tuesday, since the sister had to work all day, and mama had the day off, she and I went to the mall. Holy geez, it took us 20 minutes just to find a parking spot! We had fun though, and knocked the last 5 people off of mama's shopping list. I went to Torrid, and tried on a dress. I've dropped a dress size in Torrid sizing! Yay!

My quest for boots has been fruitless. Completely fruitless. I'm trying to think of all the stores I went to, but the list is so long. So, very long. And no boots for me. Stupid big fat feet. Sad. I think I'm meant to be bootless for the upcoming winter season.

we also finally put up the tree and decorated it on Tuesday. No one in my family has really been in the holiday spirit this year, so getting the motivation to do anything has been difficult.

Today, I got up early and did some more baking for mama. She always takes in a HUGE amount of baked goods, but between the odd hours she's been working and the aforementioned lack of motivation, she hasn't quite hit her quota of baked goods yet. So, I offered to help. Six hours in the kitchen! Six! And I ended up making mini dark chocolate fudge bundt cakes (which, once cooled, I'll make whipped cream and fill the cakes with whipped cream and cherries/strawberries). I also made double chocolate cookies, mocha chocolate cookies, white chocolate cookies, butterscotch spice cookies and snickerdoodles. All told, I baked 300 cookies today... In between baking I put together a batch of meatballs into the crockpot, so dinner will be ready when mama comes home from work tonight. She's got a late shift.

My sister came out and apparently is going to be baking more cookies/bars/cakes, too, since she and mama work in the same place. first thing she asked is if I'd help her bake. I told her I was tired and wanted to sit and eat something, since I'd yet to eat anything today. She gets sulky, saying she ONLY wants me to help mix cookie dough. I tell her I'm tired, and she gets snippy. Now, mind you I baked, I cooked, and I cleaned up the entire mess I'd made. and baking 300 cookies makes one HELL of a mess! I told her I wanted to sit down and of course that started another argument wherein she yelled at me about how useless and selfish I was, because I wasn't willing to help her.

Right then.

I ignored her and she eventually shut up.

My brother came over last night and is staying with us until Christmas day. Usually,I get along with my brother, but now he's turning into another version of my sister, and just a few minutes ago, we were talking about a TV show, one I like, and one he doesn't. He started getting super agitated and yelling about how much it sucked. I shrugged and said, hey, whatever, you hate it, I like it. To each their own, can we change the subject and stop trash talking a TV show? He gets pissed and storms out, saying this is why he never visits anymore, because all we do is argue.

*sigh* He and I never used to argue. I thought we got along fairly well. I mean, I'd expect this shit from my sister, the she-beast. Not my brother. So, now I'm sitting in my room, tired, and sore, and wondering once again why in the hell I bother coming home when all I get is attitude and being yelled at. Seriously? Why?

I know realistically it's because my mom wants to see me, and she needs the few weeks we get to spend together every year because it's just the way she is. And plus, I get to hang out with my favorite cousin, and my grandma, whom I miss dearly. In fact, I'm going out to dinner with my grandma tonight, yay!

I guess I'm in a funk. It doesn't help that I'm kinda emotional at the moment, because it's placebo week for me, and I'm getting depressed because Christmas is in two days and it's starting to really set in that grandpa isn't going to be here. We're going to go out to grandma's house and he won't be sitting in his recliner, watching the melee that is our family when we get together.

Ok, I think I'm done babbling. Time to shower off the sugary remnants left over from my baking.

Happy holidays to everyone, and I hope to post again soon, if I have time and I remember.

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