Jun 25, 2009 20:06
Life just keeps getting suckier and suckier in Jenn-world.
In the last week I've discovered:
1. No one wants to frickin' hire me!! Still looking, but gods bless it's a slow slow process!
2. I somehow managed to pull a stupid and overdraft my bank account. For the first time. EVAR!! I've NEVER overdrawn my account! Not in the 10+ years I've HAD a bank account, either joint or single. Gaaaaah. Though, this is the one thing that can be and has been fixed in a timely manner. Supposedly.
3. My uncle is dying. They gave him maybe 2 weeks, but with all the information that's been trickling in, I'd honestly be surprised if he made it to the end of this week. Just out of the blue, two days ago, I get a phone call, saying he collapsed and grandma's on her way up to where he lives to see him and it doesn't look good. Fast forward, and yeah, he's going to die. No way to help him. My uncle has Klinefelter's, which is a genetic disorder, but one of the side effects is physiological issues and mental retardation. He can't take care of himself, he's got the mental capacity of, say, a 12 year old. He's also diabetic and morbidly obese (Over 600 lbs)
As of last night, his kidneys have stopped working pretty much entirely. Fluid has built up around his heart and the doctor's agree that risking any kind of surgery to remove it will kill him anyways. And even with being on life support to help him breathe, he's only maxing out at about 70% oxygen. Grandma, as next of kin, signed a DNR. Mostly so family can fly or drive down to say goodbye if they can make it. So, within months of burying her husband, and just over a year after burying her daughter, now she has to make arrangements to bury a son. Who the fuck did my family piss off in a past life? Who did I piss off?
and finally,
4. I'm sick. I'm pretty sure it's a sinus infection, but since I can't afford a doctor's visit OR antibiotics, I'm going the natural route to take care of myself. I have tomorrow and Saturday off. Jenn will be sleeping. A LOT. And tea and soup and sudafed and mucinex.
Sorry for whining. I seem to be doing that a lot lately. I should simply refrain from posting until I have something GOOD to write about.