m has inspired me, 100 random things about myself

Jun 12, 2005 21:03

What more do I need to say for an introduction? Lead on!

1. I am tall.
2. I get told "You're tall" a lot.
3. The next comment is usually "do you play basketball?", or "you should play basketball?" or similar questions to that effect.
4. I have had a number of nicknames over the course of my life, the most well-taken up was Eccers.
5. The most random one and the shortest lasting one was "electrolyte"
6. I was given the nickname "Mr. Logic" by my chemistry teacher of 3 years in reference to the character from viz (not the manga translating company, but rather a dodgy English comic similar to Beano/Dandy but more "adult")
7. I should really be studying instead of writing this.
8. Saying that, I should update my livejournal more.
9. The friend I have had the longest is probably still my best friend, but we hardly ever hang out anymore, and that makes me sad.
10. I am hopeless with names, and reasonably with faces, so if I don't recognise you, I either haven't met you, or I just think I haven't. Either way I don't intend to be rude.
11. I have done kung fu for over 2 years.
12. I still suck at it.
13. I once did judo when I was much younger but I remember nothing from it.
14. My earliest memory is from Adventure World when I was 6, the boat that swings back and forth.
15. I don't know why I remember that.
16. I haven't been to Adventure World since.
17. I introduced two friends to the Dresden Dolls
18. I have never had a girlfriend.
19. I have never cared about that.
20. The first anime I ever saw was Ranma, even including random stuff such as Sailor Moon.
21. I don't remember the first manga I read, but it was probably Iron Fist Chinmi.
22. I have over 30 webcomics on a list I check regularly.
23. I search for more to add to the list when I get free moments.
24. Partially related to the above, I lead a fairly boring life.
25. I study pharmacy at uni, am currently in 3rd year.
26. I am bored by the course and exams, but look forward to full time work afterwards.
27. I am trying to write a webcomic which I am getting m to art.
28. I believe her art is awesome and should be exposed to the internet, if not the world as such.
29. I am pretty sure she doesn't have a clue about anything to do with the comic beyond the scripts she has drawn comics for.
30. I should stop talking about the comic and get onto other stuff.
31. My cat's name is Puddy.
32. My cat's breath smells like cat food.
33. m's bird now meows because of my cat.
34. I have about 3-4 songs that I could listen to soley by themselves over and over and not get sick of them until about the 1hour mark.
35. My music tastes span over a number of genres, but I'm very selective about what I like.
36. That statement pretty much applies to my tastes in everything.
37. I am finding this more difficult than I imagine m did.
38. I identified with the song "why does it always rain on me" when I was younger
39. I now don't really identify with songs that much, except "black bugs", and "girl anachronism", and "out of control"...
40. Ok, maybe I do, but it depends on my mood at the time.
41. My favourite anime at the moment is probably rod-the tv.
42. My favourite movie of all time is probably Princess Mononoke.
43. Other favourite movies I have include Fight Club, Mallrats, Evolution and Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind.
44. I dwell on mistakes I made even ages ago, sometimes I just can't forget them.
45. Like one time when I was in year 8 I changed a bunch of crap on another school's bullying policy so it said stuff like "bullying is ok", I have regretted it ever since (and not just because I got told off for it)
46. I need to learn to write shorter points.
47. I have a bunch of chess trophies (mostly merit awards) on my trophy shelf.
48. I also have a tball trophy, a swimming trophy and a couple of maths ones.
49. I sort of accept that yes, I am a nerd/geek.
50. I can't tell the difference between the above two terms.
51. I was once given a bra by some random chick at a party.
52. My short term memory lasts a decently long while.
53. I was decently smart in high/primary school, but my smartness went downhill when I stopped doing things heavily related to maths.
54. I am not nearly as good with song lyrics (particularly to japanese songs) as m is
55. I am not nearly as good musically as m is.
56. I did piano when I was younger, and did learn memory, but beyond that I didn't do any music.
57. Looking back I sort of regret that.
58. I now know that inflammable and flammable are exactly the same.
59. This confuses me.
60. I make a lot of simpsons references, despite the fact I prefer futurama/family guy.
61. I have the first four seasons of futurama and the first three of family guy on dvd.
62. To this day, I have never wondered about what I would've been like as a duck.
63. I have actually wondered about what it would be like to be a girl.
64. I usually realise pretty quickly that I am happy I am not one.
65. We (m and I) have over 4 gigs of music on the computer.
66. I needed to ask her to write the last line.
67. I didn't need to ask her about that one.
68. I am not trying to fill space by writing meaningless things about myself.
69. I feel I should mention Tim in here somewhere.
70. I did have a crush on one girl in primary school, but only because I talked myself into it.
71. I hung out with girls in primary school a lot more than I did the guys.
72. In high school, whilst I was sort of in one group, I could sort of talk within most of the other groups, except there was one group that really hated me.
73. I heard after the ball that one guy was surprised that I invited a really hot girl (dont remember the exact words, but it was something like this)
74. I went with nikki to that.
75. I remember the basic road layout of Merredin in the area in which we used to live.
76. The first manga I ever got was the first volume of Ah My Goddess.
77. The first manga I bought myself was Ai yori Aoshi.
78. The first anime I bought was Love Hina, because I enjoyed the manga, which a friend (Tim) was collecting.
79. I bought him the first volume of that as a birthday present.
80. I was once convinced that the universe was created by someone who went back in time and accidentally set off the big bang.
81. I am still convinced that this is the explanation that makes the most sense.
82. I make a lot of stupid comments, and try really hard to back those up with logic.
83. I rarely succeed in anyone's mind except my own.
84. I am a bit tired of doing this, and am relieved I only have 16 to go.
85. I love spicy food, but rarely find stuff that's spicy enough to my tastes.
86. I cannot remember the first cd I bought.
87. I do not own many cds, something like 15 that arent burnt copies of stuff.
88. I am fairly hopeless with money, and am prone to whims of spending (I feel like buying "x" now)
89. I own about 7 volumes of manga more than m.
90. I am proud of this.
91. I don't read novels as much as I'd like to.
92. I wish I had had a snes back in the days when it was the king console.
93. I have an N64, a gamecube and a gba, but the snes was awesome.
94. I am addicted to the super smash bros series, they are awesome.
95. I really really want to play katamari dancii (a game where you play as a guy rolling a sticky ball over layouts and it grows bigger and bigger and you have to reach a certain size to put stars back in the sky, it sounds awesome)
96. I like the idea of a stealth game where the only weapon is a hot glue gun.
97. I have planned 96 way too much in my head.
98. I may use it later in the comic.
99. I am generally a nice guy, but I am prone to go off on random tangents about things that frustrate me (eg, those who hate vanilla coke)
100. I miss sprite ice.

Well, it's not exhaustive, and its not as good as m's but hey, its something.
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