So sometimes it’s a problem that I am first and foremost a geek and that my primary defense/coping mechanism is humor. The trouble is that when things like the shooting at the Batman premiere happens I have no ‘appropriate’ responses. Everything I have to say sounds callous or shallow out loud.
I think it’s terrible that this event might ruin Batman for people. I think it’s tragic that the people who died never even got to see the movie.
That sounds terrible, their loss is so much bigger than a movie, but you have to understand that the darkest points of my life have been measured in movies. I remember seeing Fellowship of the Rings and thinking “I can’t kill myself until I’ve seen the whole trilogy.” So yes, it’s an inane, but being a geek and having the ability to see the stories I love up on the big screen has saved my life - and the thought that someone could walk in and take that away from anyone is just horrific
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