blue lagoon on Comino (cant think why they call it that eh). at the blue grotto south east Malta. sitting on the stage at the greco/roman amputheatre in Toarmino Sicily with mt. Etna in the background. Elanor. at the same Roman amputheatre with etna in the background. flower in amongst the other pretty flowers in Toarmina gardens Sicily. Etna steaming away with Catania beach and seafront to the left.
It was an awesome holiday . It was so fooking hot . We actually traveled up Mt Etna upto about 2000 ft there was a cable car to the summit but it was 50 euros so we gave it a miss. Left the camera in my bag on the coach which was then locked so didnt get any close up pictures.
Malta -
Malta is such a beautiful place the waters are so clear and full of sealife . Went to the neolithic temples which are dated to 3500bc they were amazing pre dating stonehenge and the Great Pyramids of Egypt.
Other news - Autonomy tonight . Will Rock.