I know that thnigs are probably complicated and annoying and depressing. I know that Prom is expensive. But the memory is priceless and if you let it be a good one it will be.
Just on a side note because I love to talk --
I had a pretty steady boyfriend in high school, but we broke up November of my senior year but kept this promise to eachother that we would go. So, May rolls around and I'm telling EVERYONE that I'm going to prom with Daniel because that's what we "promised" after our break up. Well, it turns out that Daniel asked this girl, Jessica, who I absolutely loathed, behind my back and told everyone to be quiet about it. I guess what made the situation 10x worse was the day before I found out I was "gloating" to Jessica and some other girls about how I didn't need to find a date because naturally I was going with Dan and that I almost didn't want to go with him because we had been separated for so long and she didn't say a damn word! I was mortified and ended up not going for that reason. I regret it.
The money thing isn't really an issue, it's more about the being miserable and jealous part. I guess my reason is somewhat similar to yours...but I don't really want to explain things in a public journal.
It's okay. Just know that one day you'll look back on this stuff with a universal point-of-view like I do now. I just hope you make whatever decision is right for you. Don't not go on the account of someone else. Don't go because you seriously don't want to.
I just don't want to remember it as being this sucky night when I sat in a corner because I was too miserable to force myself to have fun. That's happened way too many times before.
Just on a side note because I love to talk --
I had a pretty steady boyfriend in high school, but we broke up November of my senior year but kept this promise to eachother that we would go. So, May rolls around and I'm telling EVERYONE that I'm going to prom with Daniel because that's what we "promised" after our break up. Well, it turns out that Daniel asked this girl, Jessica, who I absolutely loathed, behind my back and told everyone to be quiet about it. I guess what made the situation 10x worse was the day before I found out I was "gloating" to Jessica and some other girls about how I didn't need to find a date because naturally I was going with Dan and that I almost didn't want to go with him because we had been separated for so long and she didn't say a damn word! I was mortified and ended up not going for that reason. I regret it.
So, don't do something you'll regret!
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