[The first thing the PDF would record was the distinct flicking of a metal lighter and the sound of someone exhaling.]
[For it had to be them. She was in their custody just before she woke here, although she could not remember any act of violence that could have knocked her unconscious. Perhaps in the confusion of Alucard sailing his
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...Wunderbar. Just ven I zhought zhings vould not get vorse.
...I vish. Zhe Major vould haf a field day vith zhis place~. But zadly, nein. Zhis iz not one of our glorious plans even zhough I vish it vas~. Zhis place is zo much fun~.
... Much better zhan being killed by your pet und my ... 'vonderful' varden.
With crossed arms and a slight pout she glances away from the PCD]
Fine. But she better mind her manners az vell.
Und I haf no respect for a voman zhat hides behind zhe devil!
[Her anger was sparked and she opened her mouth to actually say something more, wanting nothing more than to verbally tear into the Hellsing if she couldn't do it physically. Only, before she could say anything more, Zamiel spoke and she hesitated, growling again and just glaring. It's very, very obvious that the Huntress is not happy.]
Vat haf I done!? I azk for her to be civil und I vill be in return! Vhy should I haf my gun taken avay for zomezhing zo zimple! It iz not my fault zhe Fraulein haz az bad of manners az Jan Valentine!
Behave yourself.
Or I will make you.
Fine Zamiel.
[She would behave. In a manner of speaking. She growls as she grabs a near by bone and throws it at the door. There's a large thud as she turns off the feed.]
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