Nov 30, 2009 22:47
Since I think EVERY SINGLE PERSON on my flist updated last week, I figure I ought to bandwagon on down and post stuff. Also, because I haven't posted in forever.
I have done almost nothing of note since returning from Japan. I have yet to find a job and am getting to the point where if I don't find one very soon, I'm going to have to move back in with my mother (a fate possibly worse than homelessness). I feel kinda bad because I've not contributed much of anything to the household lately, but at the same time, I've reached the point where $20 is a lot of money. Like, a lot.
So I'm really trying not to panic, and kinda failing. I'm really agitated and having trouble keeping focused on one thing at a time. Which makes sitting down and searching for a job difficult, as well as needle-felting (which I'm also supposed to be doing).