
Apr 30, 2009 20:31

I hate my mother. I mean, I love my mother, but AAAAAAAAAAUGH!

So, I'm doing an experiment with my therapist. I'm weaning myself off my meds, and today I was feeling particularly vertigo-y (vertigo being one of the withdrawal symptoms).

Now. Important plot point: I had not told my mother that this experiment was happening.

So I'm cranky and dizzy and all I want to do is lie on my bed and read the internet while the universe spirals out from my brain, when dear old mum comes home. She knows I'm not feeling well at least, but she gives me a few chores that I reluctantly do. When I curl back up on the bed after finishing each one, she gets annoyed and demands to know why I'm so uncooperative all the time. To which I reply that I'm not feeling well. This answer is not satisfactory, especially when she runs through all the possible symptoms of "not feeling well" wondering which ones I'm suffering from. I tell her that I'm just dizzy and I don't particularly feel like being vertical. Which understandably doesn't make much sense to her, so I have to explain that it's a withdrawal symptom. So then I have to explain why I'm not taking my meds (No, mother. I'm not doing it just for fun or to rebel against authority or to piss you off.).

So then she goes to the internet to find every possible bad thing EVAR that's happened to people going off their meds. And she reads them aloud to me. And decides that I'm experiencing ALL of the possible withdrawal symptoms. And then she babies me.

At least one of the listed symptoms is irritability, so she's not getting mad at me for being rude and cranky and snappy at her. We'll ignore the fact that I've managed to go the entire day without biting anybody else's head off.
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