The war on freedom

Jul 27, 2008 08:33,0,6631786.story

Just 7 short years ago we watched in surreal horror as two planes crashed into the WTC buildings. I remember it clearly, as do all Americans. I had just bought a house and that was the day I was getting my satellite installed. One of the first pictures I got on my newly installed service was the second plane crashing.

It's easy to pick out monumental events and place them as a landmark. Secular society has been in varying states of decay for thousands of years. Yet, with dramatic events, we often take pause and take stock of our moral inventory. 9/11 showed us that there is still a gasp of breath left in the lungs of freedom, a shout of injustice, but I fear it is a dying breath. The key to the constitution and the founding fathers ideals was never government on paper. This is why, comparatively to most, that the documents that they penned were not detailed in cumbersome ways. They kept it simple. They created the principle around one ideal that was completely, and utterly dependent on one foundation. Freedom above all else, no matter what the cost, enforced by man's ability and unquestionable right of self governance. It was simplistic. And with anything, it seems, that is a simplistic ideal, the masses will strive to complicate. How different we are today. Even since 9/11. The landscape has changed so dramatically. What used to be our freedom being nickled and dimed has turned into open lines of credit greater that the national debt. Those, not unlike Paul Revere, who call out the warning are slowly fading. Today Paul Revere would be called a "racist," or "In bed with big oil." "A British Hater."

A person has a right to eat what they want. They have the right to decide if they want fast food, without the counterfeit moral police influencing what they can or can not purchase. If a person is killing themselves by doing things you dont agree with, then you have to let them do that. It is their choice. I'm not saying you can't appeal or advice a person, you just can't force them. This is "Human Condition 101." Stopping fast food joints from opening, changing menus, etc. is forcing will onto others. It's the left hand of humanism and it is evil. Freedom, no matter the cost, is all that matters! Even it that means people are getting fatter, having more health problems and costing more money in the medical system. Freedom is simple and simple things do not change.

I'll take an order of freedom, super-sized, with a coke.
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