Attention! Cuidado! Atenzione! Read please. :)

Apr 03, 2011 16:09

Hello all my long time friends...

Well, it's time. I've had some form of 3644dawg as a username since about 1999 or so, and it's time for it to go. I've already changed my IM, I was just putting this off because it costs money but I can't put it off anymore. 3644dawg is a lifetime ago and I've changed so, so much since then.

No worries, I'll make the settings so that everything carries over. So, if you see int0thedistance on your friends list, it's me. (Wish I could have it without numbers in it but there's some rat bastard hogging it that made like 3 entries 3 years ago.)

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. :)
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