yet another bitch to put to death or what the fuck?

May 03, 2005 17:26

yo check it!,

ok students, so in the past we have established (and I hope we have reach a mutual agreement on this or else I dun give a fuck) that fat people espacially women should not be goth. Granted, goth is a type of lifestyle people fall into and such and they are allowed to do whatever they fuck they want with their lives...yet I STLL DUN GIVE A DAMN FUCK IF YOU ARE FUCKING FAT DONT BE GOTH GOD DAMN IT!, so yes, we have come to a conclusion that fat women should not be goth. Oh yeah, if you are ugly DONT BE GOTH EITHER!

for example, lets take a look at this atrocity here:

what can we learn from this display of retardedness? DO NOT LISTEN TO HIM!

ok, so now that we got that out of the way, IF YOU ARE FAT AND UGLY DONT SMOKE CIGGS!, see if you think that by smoking ciggs is sexy and will hightened your sexuality meanwhile you are fucking FAT and UGLY you are just making your self uglier! FAT WOMAN SHOULD NOT SMOKE!

[more to come later on this issue as further research is being assessed]

oh yeah!
brought to you by Dicks Like Lou, Inc.
a damn good reason why a person should not listen to HIM:

seriously, back in the day, greeks were quite fans of inter-gender coupling and pure utter carnal bi-sexualism, hmm or was it just being homo?. And lest not forget the love for children; the ones that love to take it in the butt by lil greek kiddies

now now! we are all adults here, so dont be a fag hater! ^^
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