003 || audio

Jul 09, 2009 19:35

[There's a moment of hesitant silence, then Simon inhales and quietly clears his throat before speaking.]

Um ... it occurs to me that I never took the opportunity to properly introduce myself when I first arrived. My name is Simon, and if anyone should happen to require the services of a doctor while I'm here, I'd like to ... make myself available, I suppose.

[Silence again for a moment, as if he's not sure whether to continue speaking, then:]

Also, if - if anyone has seen a girl running around who answers to the name River, if you could please let me know as soon as possible, that would be, um - well, I would appreciate it. Thank you.

sister is whar, top three percent, .riku, .roxas, always polite, .rion lyon, .valeria, .ryu, audio, .demyx

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