dear yuletide author

Nov 17, 2011 20:43

Dear Yuletide author,

Thanks so much for participating in the challenge this year! I'm delighted that we've been matched up, because it's awesome to know that someone out there is interested in the same small fandoms I am. It's a great feeling.

I am pretty easy, in terms of fic, so I'm sure whatever you'll come up with will be awesome, but I have a few suggestions if you need them.


This show is so great in terms of sketching out its characters and sort of creating the sense that we've been spending time with them forever. I would love to see a story about Ian and Lip, like, bonding together as younger kids and some of the exploits they got into. Or, conversely, a story where they made out a lot. I am not difficult.

Alternately, I am so completely fascinated by Ian's relationship with Kash. I want to know how it started, who the pursuer was, how they managed to get around marriage and age differences -- basically, I want all the little details. I would also not be opposed to porn.


Is there anybody out there that doesn't love this movie? I love this movie, although when I saw it for the first time in years, all I could think about was how much I loved the relationship between Ram and Tron. Ram was really the heart of the whole thing for me, so I'd really like a story where he didn't die. I love, love, love AUs, and any sort involving these two would be awesome, be it college or office or Indiana Jones. I could dig all of it.


I haven't seen the entirety of series two yet, so I'm not sure what, if anything, changes Justin and Luther's relationship, but I loved it so much in series one. Justin shouting for Luther to get out of the way of that sniper was one of the greatest television moments I've seen. I love how much they look out for each other, so I would be really interested in seeing an exploration of their relationship.

the trip

I've been a huge fan of Rob Brydon's for ages, so I saw the film for him and was incredibly charmed by it. He and Steve have such an interesting back-and-forth. I don't know if I can picture the two of them having any sort of romantic relationship, but I can totally buy them having this kind of angsty, bickering sex on the road for comfort. I would be totally into that. Or, conversely, an origins story about how they met would also be super awesome.

Mostly though, Author, I want you to have fun with this challenge! You're welcome to use as much or as little of this as you like.

Thanks so much, and have an awesome holiday season!


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