Dec 21, 2003 08:32
Oh my lord. The show last night was pretty much too good for words. So amazing. Me and Mike got there at like 4:30, and decided to go to Tinas for dinner. So we split a slice (we weren't hungry at all) and called Charlotte and got her and Erica to come. So we all just chilled there for a little, and just as we were leaving, Molly showed up. It was damn freezing, so we all walked down to see if we could get into the show yet. They told us we couldn't pay yet, but we could wait inside. So we waited for like an hour, during which Tom, John, and Kyle came. Then they made us all go outside and pay. That took like 5 minutes, then we were back inside.
The first band sucked, the second band was pretty good, and I was standing in the back, talking to Charlotte, when I heard fourty four caliber love letter start, and I ran up and went nuts. Alexisonfire had the most amazing set. And I didn't think This Day Forward could possibly top it, but somehow they did. I only moshed like for a few minutes, but spent most of my time getting pushed around in the front, which was just as fun.
And Steve Pedulla from Thursday was there. And we got to meet him.