Dec 19, 2003 19:14
What a day it was today. What a good day. What with seeing Charlotte, Ruby, Lynsey, and all my other homies, I don't think it could have been any better.
All my high schoolers had a pep rally at the high school, so they were waiting for me on the steps of my school when school got out. We introduced everyone to everyone, then left for Charlottes house. Charlottes mom wouldn't let us in her house, so Charlotte just got something and we went to the plaza. We were at the chinese place and John and Josh came up with Melissa and all them, and it was really annoying. And they were trying to act all cool in front of us or something, and no one spoke, and then they left (THANK GOD).
We ate all our food (Mike got dared to eat one of the hot peppers and like died, it was amazingly crazy), and then we all left and went to the Plaza Shoppe for stuff. We all got assorted coffees, and just hung out for a while. Then we me and Mike had to go, so everyone started walking us home. And then we just hung out on someones front lawn for a couple minutes, and our ways parted. It was great. And now tomorrow I have the show. Hopefully Mike is out getting the tickets right now. He's going to see if they're open so he can buy the tickets now, but it might have to wait until tomorrow.
And that's all for now. Hope everyones weekend is crazy (in a good way).
P.S. Kinci if you read this soon, get off your away message and talk to me, because your away message made me really sad. And I'll comfort you if I can. So start IMing!