(no subject)

Jul 21, 2004 14:14

:x: movie you rented =  i dont rent movies

:x: movie you bought = 3rd  lord of the rings.

:x: song you listened to =  the killers::somebody told me

:x: song that was stuck in your head = jay z::dirt off your shoulder

:x: cd you bought =  dont waste my money on cds

:x: cd you listened to =  all american rejects

:x: person you've called =  chris "kli"

:x: person that's called you =  chris "kli"

:x: tv show you've watched =  i love the 90's

:x: person you were thinking of =  john

:x: enemy you made =  steve


:x: you have a crush on someone? = more than a crush

:x: you wish you could live somewhere else = sometimes

:x: think about = what? that doesnt make sense

:x: you believe in online dating = no

:x: others find you attractive = i s'pose

:x: you want more piercings = lots.

:x: you drink = yes. thats how i prevent from becoming dehydrated

:x: you do = same as "think about"

:x: you smoke = rarely

:x: you like cleaning = my body..yes, my apartment.,no

:x: you like roller coasters = some

:x: you write in cursive or print = usually print, but sometimes i feel like script

:x: food = mozzerella sticks

:x: thing to do = hang out with my friends, but i like to do alot of things

:x: thing to talk about = sex

:x: sports = hockey, but i dont play

:x: drinks = water/chocolate milkshakes/diet coke

:x: clothes = jeans, t-shirts, ankle socks, converse/vans, bras

:x: movie = so many..hmm...basketball diaries, little princess, donny darko, requiem for a dream...and so on

:x: singer = no favorites

:x: holiday = halloween


:x: ever cried over a girl= yes

:x: ever cried over a boy = yes

:x: ever lied to some = everyday

:x: ever been in a fist fight = i like to use my words more than my fists

:x: ever been arrested = nope

:x: shampoo do you use = pantene pro-v. and apt. 5

:x: shoes do you wear = converse and/or vans

:x: are you scared of = bugs, lonlieness


:x: of times I have been in love? = 1

:x: of times I have had my heart broken? = 1

:x: of hearts I have broken? = many, as far as i know

:x: of girls I have kissed? = 1

:x: of boys I have kissed? = hmm....a little over 10

:x: of girls I've slept with? = 0

:x: of boys I've slept with? = 0

:x: of taken illegally? = wtf? another non sense question

:x: of people I consider my enemies? = like 2

:x: of times my name has appeared in the newspaper = never

:x: of scars on my body? = 2-3

:x: of things in my past that I regret? = too many to count

:x: disney movie = finding nemo...lion king...aladdin...ugh, i dont know. sooo many

:x: word = melancholy

:x: nickname = i dont have on

:x: guy name = seth or vince

:x: girl name = lindsey or monique. oh...and i own both of them, heh

:x: eye color = hazelnut brown, or bright green

:x: flower = a rose? i dont know

:x: piercing = lip ring


:x: pretty = sometimes

:x: funny = when i wanna be

:x: hot = no...im feeling pretty cool right now

:x: friendly = too much

:x: amusing = at times, if your lucky

:x: ugly = no

:x: loveable = sure

:x: caring = yes

:x: sweet = like candy

:x: dorky = yupperz...see


:x: Wallet - gray with a sketch of an old railroad and the words ZOO YORK in bright pink

:x: Hairbrush - i dont use a brush

:x: Toothbrush - white and purple and eletric

:x: Jewelry worn daily - 7 earrings, belly ring, fuck me bracelets, watch

:x: Pillow cover - i dont know, dark blue

:x: Blanket - dark blue plaid

:x: Coffee cup - dont drink coffee

:x: Sunglasses - odnt wear sunglasses

:x: Underwear - too many to describe each one

:x: Favorite shirt - umm...i dont know right now, ill get back to you

:x: Perfume/cologne - dont wear either

:x: CD in stereo right now - i dont have a stereo

:x: What you are wearing now - green pajama pants, and a light blue paul frank shirt

:x: In my mouth - tongue, spit, teeth

:x: In my head - john

:x: Wishing - i could just be all showered and dressed already

:x: After this - shower and dresss

:x: Person you wish you could see right now - john

:x: Is next to you right now - remote, wallet, watch, cell phone, headphones, paper, etc

:x: Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming weekend - being with john

:x: The last thing you ate - mac and cheese, spongebob style

:x: Do you like candles - sure

:x: Do you like the taste of - ?

:x: Do you believe in love - yes


:x: Slept in your bed: me

:x: Saw you cry: me?

:x: Made you cry: umm...i dont remember

:x: Spent the night at your house: me

:x: You shared a drink with: john

:x: You went to the movies with: steve

:x: You went to the mall with: dont memeber
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