May 10, 2006 21:34
Well, as usual it doesn't really feel like summer has started yet. Probably because my little brothers and mom are still in school so everyday I'm home alone if I stay home. It's pretty boring. I've so far applied for some waitressing jobs because I always thought that would be fun (and not to pat myself on the back but I think I'd be an awesome waitress) but it doesn't seem like anyone is hiring and I pretty much don't feel like driving 20 minutes to work.. even if Jamie has to drive all the way to Alton. I'm probably going to end up working at effing Jewel or some lame store like that. Whatever, I need money. I babysat tonight... 4 hours=$40, sweet.
After about two and a half days of Cinder hating me and Zero being constantly afraid... Cinder is finally getting along with Zero, and it's adorable. Zero is the biggest antagonist (sp?) ever. Cinder will be chewing on a bone and Zero will come up and try and take it and hop around Cinder and bark. Cinder loves it though... and it'll help her stay young. They play tug-a-war with socks and run around outside together... so cute. All this play has completely worn Zero out and every night she passes out... AND she hasn't biten a human being in days! Oh the progress.
What else? I'm not really sure how I feel about living at home for this coming year. Family dinners and special school events for Danny and Johnny and all that stuff just don't seem the same... cause they're not but still, I want them to feel the same. I'm glad to be living here for lots of reasons but it just sucks cause now I am seeing first hand how things are. Sigh. Oh well.
This week has been eh. Aside from the (unsuccessful) job searching, I've been spending some time at my mom's class and teaching a bit, which I love. And I've been spending time with Mike a LITTLE. He's going back to Eastern this weekend for intersession which sucks a lot because I probably won't see him for three weeks. After intersession is over for him, I'll be leaving for the Bahamas to finish off my practicum. I'll be home June 11th... I'll be in the Bahamas for our one year anniversary. Sucksucksuck.
Well, you can pretty much expect these overly long and boring entries while I'm home this summer and have nada to do! COMMENT, COMMENT, COMMENT.