I wanted to share some amazing experiences with diabetes that I've been having for some time.
There's an incredible group in Canada called I Challenge Diabetes.
ICD is founded by Type I Diabetic & Olympic/PanAm rower, Chris Jarvis.
Every day, Chris inspires me to, not only take better control of my diabetes, but to lead a healthier and more active lifestyle.
I Challenge Diabetes runs active events across Canada for youth and adults living with diabetes.
This summer, alone, I have gone rock climbing, taken spin classes, rowed viking boats, cycled 140kms from Toronto to Niagara-on-the-Lake and hiked the Niagara Escarpment with I Challenge Diabetes!
Through "experiential diabetes education," Chris and event leaders help participants to understand their diabetes management for the activities as well as for everyday life.
They have a bunch more events planned for the summer in western Canada and Ontario so check out the facebook and website and see if you can join in.
http://www.ichallengediabetes.orghttp://www.facebook.com/lchallengediabetes Most events are free or only a minimal charge!
Hope to meet some of you out there!
*this will be cross posted at some point - my apologies in advance*