kyon application [reims academy]

Sep 10, 2011 17:03

( fandom student application )

AGE: 20
CONTACT: synthetistic @ aim
PERSONAL LJ: shichirin

NAME: Kyon (for the sake of the AU, his full name will be Kyosuke Satou in western order)
CANON: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya; note though that he will be based upon the AU verse of the Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan as opposed to the OU.
CANON REFERENCE: The Character | The Series | The Spin-Off
AGE: 17
ENROLLMENT: Rich folks.

APPEARANCE: Rightchere
PERSONALITY: Kyon is a fairly usual guy. Likes girls, hates homework, so on and so forth. While not a social butterfly, he acts as the perfect foil for the shy Yuki Nagato, who was afraid of asserting herself and thanks to him, was able to open up a little more. As far as school work goes, he enjoys slacking off far too much, however he isn't completely irresponsible. He pulls in average grades, and while he tends to retain (useless) information easily, he just can't be bothered to do the homework or come test time, mark the right answers. Even so, he still manages to be a procrastinator and would easily choose to do something else before he picks up a pencil and does work.

Strapping young man that he is, he has an affinity for cute girls. To them, he has a tendency to be more polite than he would be to a guy. He attempts to be comforting and supportive to things that they may do, and may even feel sorry for them if they come across some hardships. He doesn't know if this is a subconscious attempt to score points with a girl or if it's sincere, but either way, he does it. Despite that, he rarely keeps his true feelings about someone quiet if he doesn't particularly like them. If he doesn't like someone, he'll usually be extra snarky with them, though that doesn't mean he'll tell them straight up that he dislikes them.

Despite his family's standing, he doesn't feel the need to brag or wave his money around-- or even to abuse his status. When he was younger, he might have said a few things about being rich, but growing older, he didn't find it to be that big of a deal. When it comes to Reims, most of the students are in the same boat as he is, so he definitely doesn't have a reason to bring it up. He doesn't find himself to be higher or lower than anyone, even if they're there thanks to scholarships or any other reason.

COMPUTER APTITUDE: About normal. He can use e-mail and access student resources, but can't do anything hackerish or anything like that.

AU HISTORY: Kyon was born the son of a wealthy businessman and his wife. With his father working most of the time and his mother being busy being a housekeeper, he didn't have much to do, so he kept himself busy by reading comic books and watching giant robot anime. Part of him wished that the things he saw in those comic books and anime were real, but he knew as a child that they weren't. He never believed Santa Claus or any other holiday-type story to be real, despite the insistence of his parents and later, his little sister. Though in the latter's case, he had never been able to convince her, and felt it was just best to leave it that way for now.

His life was normal for the most part up until the end of his Elementary years. His father fell terminally ill, leaving his wife to raise the two on the money that he had saved up. Though he had wanted to live as normally as he possibly could, he found himself being enrolled at Reims Academy in order to get the best education and one day follow in his father's footsteps. Though he was a litlte hesitant to leave his home behind and leave his mom and little sister by themselves, he decided to go and persue this better education.

Since then, he's been there since Middle School, and while introducing himself as Kyosuke, a student in the first class he had came up with the nickname Kyon and despite his insistence, the nickname spread like wildfire. Even to the point where most of the faculty knows him by that nickname. Still, he's tried to keep a low profile while there, and may not be too well known at this point.

INTRANET/1ST PERSON SAMPLE: I guess finals are coming up, huh? I guess no matter how much you try, you can't exactly will time to go slower so that you can have more time to prepare for it. It's kind of annoying, but I don't have much of a choice but to study for it. Though for anyone else willing to study, feel free to stop by the Literary Club. If you're not going to do anything, might as well do nothing along with the rest of us.

Actually, I probably shouldn't have said that. I can think of a few people who'll be angry at me if I don't get any studying done this time around, so I'd better just do it. Eventually.

...okay, seriously. Is anyone available to help me out here?

LOG/3RD PERSON SAMPLE: Kyon sat in the Literary Club's room, biding time before it was time to head back to his room for the night. Usually he had a different way to do this depending on the day; whether it be playing board games with Nagato or just reading a book, there was always something to keep him around here. So much in fact, that it became a daily ritual for him to do something.

In this case today, he was reading a Japanese novel, which had absolutely nothing to do with the papers in front of him. He knew he shouldn't let it sit for that long, but at this point, everything else seemed more interesting than the paper he had to write. If anything, he could chalk it up to his Literary Club duties, but that wouldn't be good. Really, he wouldn't feel good about wasting his parents' hard earned money to goof off and perform inadequately in his studies.

He sighed. "Good grief..." He mumbled, finally deciding to pick up his pencil. Well, he couldn't will it away. Right? Maybe if he gets lucky, someone will interrupt him just in time.

HAVE YOU READ THE FAQ? Got it, boss. I'll get a rabies shot before I start playing here.