[The transmission is spotted with patches of static. There's a heavy, though muffled clunk of what sounds like glass against a wooden surface. A hard swallow that follows is almost immediately cut off by another flicker of the white noise.
There's a slight hitch, a wince in the way Zero's otherwise quiet and fairly shallow breathing. It's mimicked in his speech; light, murmured. It really is not like him to ask for favors or any kind of help (painkillers would do right about now), but- ]
Still too dangerous. I shouldn't...
[ -but he trails off, sounding tired. It remains silent for short period of time, save for a bit of shifting, before speaking again.]
Sakura. Ganta... you two doing all right?
private; It's been five months since the last time. I keep- ...The tablets aren't staying down. One for every three, at best. I'm not sure if it's because they're replications or not. /private