Sep 26, 2010 00:47
I've been itching to start (and stick with) a comic. I just wish I had the time to do it. ..But maybe I do, if I worked hard enough at it.
I don't want to do an epic storyline like the ones I've attempted before. Because those have always failed. I want to try something different this time..Something simpler and more light-hearted.
I'm thinking I'll base it on my life, and just make up strips from things that happen from day to day at school and home. I'll probably throw in video game jokes if Stephen can provide some other than Pokemon/Harvest Moon/Animal Crossing for me. I think it would be fun. Any thoughts?
Also, I would need a title. I'm thinking about something to do with sweet potatoes (actually, that was Stephen's idea >_>).
So, yeah, that's pretty much it. I'd appreciate any thoughts. :D