Jun 04, 2006 15:04
Another crappy day. As much as I've always liked the rain, enough is enough already! Geez!
Just kind of killing time, at this point. Headed over to Cathy's for dinner at 7, and over to Adam's prior to that, so I can take a shower. I'm just a well of useless information today :-D
So it looks like I will be spending July 4th-9th in NH. Yaaay! Trying my damndest to figure a way that Laur can come with me, but it's looking iffy this time around. Once this pathetic financial situation is over and done with(hm.. is it the situation that's pathetic, or the person who started it? Something to ponder.), my bank account will be slightly on the thin side for a little while... though the way my mother was talking earlier this week, it almost seemed as though she was going to see to it that my finances aren't adversely affected by those who clearly have nothing better to do with their own meager existences than try to harm people who are clearly better off in life, just to make themselves feel better. What will be, will be. No sense in worrying about something before there's reason to. Everything always finds a resolution sooner or later.
Spent 4 hours on the phone with Bob last night :-D. A very pleasant and enlightening conversation, it was. I could get used to that. Covered a lot of 'ground', so to speak. I think it was shortly after 2am when we decided to call it a night-- or rather, I did, because my second wind suddenly found its way out the proverbial window, and I was fading fast. I really need to stop laying in bed when I'm on the phone. That seems to be all it takes for me to get really tired, really quickly. It's nice to have someone of the opposite gender with whom I can really talk openly, on a regular basis. He and I have become very good friends, and I'm very glad for it.
Another weekend that has flown by quickly. It seems to be a pattern. Lorianne is supposed to call me at some point today, but as much as I like the girl, she's not the best in the world at following through on that. It actually looks like it's better that my plans with Jim fell through for today, given that we were going to go to a drive-in, and it's raining pretty steadily. That would not have made for the most pleasant situation, me thinks. I'm seriously considering taking him up on the invite to join him and his girlfriend for breakfast on Wednesday, before work, and I've already told him that no matter what, barring one of us dying, we WILL be hanging out next Sunday. I'm not going to reschedule on him again. Hopefully, Lorianne can go too, but even if she can't, I still am. I haven't seen Jim in over a month, and I've always enjoyed being around him. I'm going to miss Thad too, but to see him, I can just go to the Green Room and pester him :-D Being friends with the bouncer has its advantages.
So tonight is pizza and movie night with Cathy and her husband. I'm rather enjoying the way my social life has picked up since I got out of that restrictive situation. I like having plans a week in advance, and with different people :). Cathy tonight. Jim next weekend. Lorianne wants to get together for dinner once or twice a week after work. Feelin' the love, I am!
Should be interesting to see what results from the drama that ensued at work on Friday. I'm thinking that certain people will be a bit more reluctant about running their mouths in the future. Then again, you have to be pretty damned stupid to offer to beat someone up in front of an office full of people, let alone with the supervisor in hearing distance! Keep that petty bullshit to yourself. It's like being in daycare all over again. For the love of the gods, grow up! That's juvenile, middle school nonesense. If you don't like someone, fine, but don't run your mouth. There are a couple of people I work with that I sorely don't like, but I don't flap my gums at work about it. I just keep my distance from them and talk to them as little as possible, go about my business, and only interact with the people that I like. Pretty simple formula, really. The tense situation with Rebecca seems to have improved, so that's encouraging. I suspect that Harriet talking to her had something to do with the sudden turn-around in the way she interacts with/responds to me. Gotta love Harriet. I really do like my job for the most part. I like the working conditions, and 98f the people that I work with. Can't ask for more than that, right? June 21st will be 4 months that I've been there. Go me :-D Harriet has made it very clear that she has/they have no intention of letting me go anytime soon, so it's all good. Hooray for job security! Dan (CFO, among other titles he holds there) informed me at my three month review that he has heard 'nothing but good things' about me. Wooo! Always love hearing that, especially from a higher-up! Got my second customer compliment the other night, too. I'm on a roooooll!
We're supposed to be getting training for the next phone group this coming week. I think it's BBI, EEP, SBL, and... eh.. I think there's one other one that I forgot. It seems that it's SBL that's going to be the real bitch. They have a lot of specificities that the other ones don't, right down to remembering that even dead members get their own market segment. What the hell is that?! What does a dead person need a marget segment for? It's not as if it's going to be marked on their headstone along with their birth and death dates. "Here lies Herman Sinefratz. July 10, 1947- September 25th, 2004. Market segment, SBL.(whatever the hell it is. I think it's 3, or 6, or something like that.)." Then again, I suppose I should expect something like that from a publisher called "The Society of Biblical Literature". Go figure. Anyway, yeah.. we're supposed to be getting trained for them this week, which I guess means in two weeks, we'll be starting on the phones with them. Joy. I think they're feeling a bit rushed to get it done, now that Thad is officially gone. One more thing for the airhead to take 60 years to learn. We will all have left and found new jobs, and she'll be 85 years old, and still reading from the dac for level 3. The girl is slower than shit rolling uphill in a windstorm.
Chillin' for an hour with my 80s tunes, and then I'm outta here! :-D I don't expect to be staying late at Cathy's, since she has to be at work tomorrow much earlier than I do. Here's to hoping I don't get lost trying to find her house, down there in podunk Hinesburg, and even more so that I don't get lost trying to get home! Thank the gods my cell phone works again! That's all I can say!
Hasta la bye bye, kids.