Exit the Instigator

Feb 08, 2011 12:21

Ash's last post is up.

I still have some housekeeping to do. Rissa is considering a wrapup post for Nicholas and Anaryn, but we haven't settled on how to end that. There's a big plot reveal for them that we hadn't had a chance to show, and we have to figure out how to show it.

I could do a Sarcastic Summary of the thread and/or arc, if there's call for it and I'm not the last poster in the thread.
I'm going to wait a little bit to see if another thread develops or not, before deciding what to do with the chat room. Basically I don't want to pass ownership of it to someone who's inactive, as then the chain will get broken and those who are active would have to find somewhere else to chat, which is no good.

I will continue to host and maintain the wiki, but likely stop editing it actively. I may have to promote another admin if we get hit by spambots again, but so far e-mail confirmation has been sufficient to keep them away.
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