May 06, 2005 09:38
so theres this penguin, named mr. wiggles, and emily wont let me barrow him and it makes me sad. buut today i get to go see "The Black Keys" with chris for his birthday which was thursday, we went to busch gardens thursday. it was kidna fun. i guess coulda been better. um i noticed im likin someone new, well old yet new..confused? me too. im getin pictures from courtney from busch gardens if she ever sneds them. i dont knw why i write in this about everything..i feel kinda dumb. livejournals are dumb cunt suckers. buuutt im goin to go on with my stupid lies. there not real lies..but wahts really true? annnywas, it was pretty sweet we got some alcohol into the park, and i brought some ganja but had nothing to smoke out of...dissapointing i know. i think thats it but, oh im a good girl and instead of downloading all the songs for free i bought the underoath cd. excitment. anyways...bye