everything has to wait.

Dec 30, 2009 00:11

I do this thing where I stop reading books once I reach a part that is just so wonderful and beautiful I could not possibly do any better by reading the rest of the book. This is why I stop.
I did this with Jean Paul Sartre's Nausea and I did this with A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce, but only the first time. I read Portrait entirely through this past summer, which was nice and different since the last time I read it I was in high school. I haven't gone back to Nausea yet, page 40 is where I stopped but I am going to go back to the beginning.
I dropped my philosophy minor when I found out that there would never be any classes offered on Jean Paul Sartre or even Nietzche! I don't even know if I really like Nietzche, but I wanted to study him to find out if I do.
I couldn't even take an independent study on Sartre because there are no professors that could advise me. So I just am not doing that anymore because there is no point because I won't even get to study things that I really want to study.
I have begun to read Bed by Tao Lin, which is a book of short stories, the first of which I already read on his website or some other website, and it is called "Love is on Sale for More Money Than There Exists." I don't know if the title is capitalized, what's the format for writing short story titles? I think it is italics. I went back and put them in for you. I have read this story before but the other night when I read part of World War Z I read that story again (first time reading it in book form, previously I had only read it on my computer) to calm myself and eradicate any possibility of having dreams involving zombies. It calmed me and made me feel sad. I want to read another one tonight after I read more of WWZ but I do not know if I will. I have grown too comfortable with that one story! I have grown too comfortable with reading page 40-41 of Nausea and thinking it is infinitely wonderful without knowing any single part of what lies ahead. I did read Portrait and I was pleased, so maybe it is not so bad and maybe I will still think it is wonderful but I will not know.

reading through something I wrote on March 2nd, 2008
this is the most foreboding sentence within the paragraph:
"i haven't seen any real shows this year yet that i liked. i am going to see the most serene republic soon though."
hey let's talk about that show, let's talk about the btmi show two days prior.

oh in 2008 I also said this: "and then i was thinking just now, how in the beginning of the year i told christine that i was not going to date anyone and to make sure that i did not. (i am not sure how she would do this but i told her anyway.) and i do not even know what i would do with them. i can think of sex, making out, and watching movies as off-hand things that you just like, do with people you date."


oh my GOD. I just read I think I wrote about the magazines I read and I mentioned Nutrition Action, which is a newsletter with good nutritional articles that I think is put out by the University of Michigan or some good medical school, and wow, I miss it. I don't think we subscribe to it anymore. I think it is expensive because it is small and has no ads.
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