(no subject)

Oct 28, 2009 01:03

yep it is 1am and I just took a shower and am really only like 1/2 done studying for my chinese phil midterm tomorrow. really excited that this is my last philosophy class, because it is so much work, and that wouldn't be so bad if I enjoyed it more, but I don't. I get decent grades but am not motivated to do the readings ever. awful! good news is I am very pleased by my poli sci classes, stoked to take more, especially ones that are cross-listed with environmental classes with env law and env justice and international env politics! so stoked!
also next semester I am taking all intro classes except for one class, which will be either unlearning consumerism or land stewardship or something like that. otherwise i am taking world, food and population studies, intro french (!!!), into to international politics and plant biology. not stoked about my lab science but at least it is relevant to my major. very very stoked about french, I cannot wait to read beautiful book and watch movies in their native language.
also I found out there is an entire class just on Tolkien writings, which I will hopefully find time to shove into my schedule later on.

also tomorrow I am basically maxing out my credit card to buy jared's plane ticket to fest, so mad, buying it the day before when I could have bought him a ticket for the same flight as me and saved $300 a month ago. ugh. mostly worth it though (except the fact that $600 is absolutely a retarded price for a plane ticket), I mean it is worth it that I am like completely broke now because I would not be able to have as much fun while jared was sitting at home being bummed about not coming. totally worth it.
also it is really not a big deal because it is only $600 and in like three years when I graduate from college I will have thousands and thousands of dollars of loans to deal with. $600 that will be paid off in like 2 months is not a big deal.

phew. need to finish studying for chinese phil, it is the worst.
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