So the past few days I've been reliving my childhood kinda. ie playing with bouncy balls, and the dogeball. The dodgeball was muthafackin sweet by the way. Those of you that ditched me or just plain couldn't make it really missed out. It was as follows: John and his brother Tom, Ian, Shevlin, John's cousin kevin (wow, three mccarthy's, pretty scary) gay Brian, and me all played with the balls purchased my moi and shevlin earlier that day. Mike and I basically called errbody and their sister to get them to play. Chances are if you're reading this you got and invite, and if you didn't it was for any combination of the following three reasons: 1. I highly doubted that you'd play, and I was probably right. 2. I didn't know your number, or i did, called and the person I talked to (if any) didn't give you my message. or 3. you live miles and miles away. It rawked balls dude. Got three twelve packs of faygo, whipped some balls around. Had a lot of fun. Got REALLY muddy. Yesss.... It was dodgeball on the surface, but i really think it impacted more than my mangled body as i ducked and dodged and attempted to break my spine. This kid- like fun I've been having has been soo rejuvenating (sp?) for my soul. I've realized what we lost going through life, specifically around middle school. Bam, that's when they strip you of your right to be a kid. "You're getting ready to be a HIGH SCHOOLER young man. Stop acting so immature. Stop having fun. Stop being yourself." You don't realize how much of a drag that is until you revert back to the way it was before. I don't care if people think i'm nuts for this "dodgeball trend" or whatever they may think it is. It's sweet as fuck. And y'all that missed out really missed out. Even if you just come and watch and hang around after you still get to see us just chill out all together and whatnot. There'll be more opportunities to play, and I'll take up all I can get. Shit maybe we'll get some hide and seek or some shit going. hah. Perhaps that's too extreme, but you never know what can develop. I was filthy when i got home. I used to play harder than that as a kid and my dad would say "jump in the shower you're filthy" and i'd look at him thinking i didn't see shit on me. You say that to me now and I'm like "hell yeah, get out of my way!" I never wanted to take baths. I didn't even think I was dirty. That's just a simple example of how you can use maturity to make immaturity more fun. I know how to do laundry, and I can always shower off any mud. So why not get dirty as shit. And back in the day we weren't interested in girls or none of that shit. We just played. "Fuck them hoes got kooties man." Well now we ain't like that and that could make it even more fun or something. You never know. It's like in austin powers when Dr. Evil is all like "all that you stood for free love is dead etc etc" and he's like "Nigga pleaze, Now we have responsibility and freedom it's a very groovy time." You can take all your responsibilities and let them improve your fun when you're just having a good time. Responsibility on the road when driving, but shit, if it gets you to your homies having a good time faster, why not? Job=responsibility Pizza bought for the crew after a good game or whatever bought with the money earned at that job=improved fun. You sit in prison eight hours of the day. All of us. Job or school. It is prison. Especially school, cuz we ain't getting paid to be there (with tangible money, miss me with all that education is the reward shit) People are fuckin miserable in school. It drains us. We're fucking zombies. I awoke today after this shit, realizing I had a soul waiting to burst out and do some fun ass shit. Why not whip a fucking rubber ball at gay brians head and watch him duck? (that's some funny shit y'all) We've forgotten how to have fun. And if you don't believe me, try it sometime. Go get some people together to play at the playground. Get the group, go to the park, and the rest will just take care of itself. Don't worry about your goddamn homework or your fucking crazy teachers. In fact, take one that y'all have in common and just rip on them. Make a song about them like you used to in fifth grade. Start a chant. Play "boys vs. girls" or something. After you're done with that, order a pizza or something and get a scary movie. In fact, a bad one, and just rip on that too. Have a mudfight and then go swing on the swings and jump off when you get to the highest point. Cuz I guarantee you'll have something to talk about when you get back and you're moving from gray, dull cell block to grayer, duller cell blocks. It really doesn't take much to have fun either. Keep it simple. I take bouncy balls to an abandon parking lot/medical building and just whip them at the wall and chase them around. Shit call me fucking retarded if you want, cuz I know for a fact I look pretty retarded while I'm doing it, but I'm definitely not miserable when I'm gunning them around and then either dodging, catching, or chasing them. Take it or leave it I guess, just know I'm happy, and I like it. HMS sung the lullaby before HHS slipped me the Nyquill and I've officially woke up swinging. I'm pretty much soaked in satisfaction for the first game. Good kickoff to the season, despite me having to sit in bedrest tomorrow. J/k. On a side note, we're probably gonna move the games to sunday afternoons, because that seems to be when most people are available and got nothing to do. We had fun despite the meager turn out, and I don't know if could have asked for more from the night. So props to those who showed, and those who didn't "NAH NAH NA POO POO, BITCH!!" That be about it.