Sep 19, 2004 21:44
Ok, so last week we voted for homecoming court at my school. I ended up making it, believe it or not...I know. I was as shocked as a blind man seeing a plane run into a building. The guys up for king are Brendon, Dustin, George, and Shane. The other girls besides myself are Kendrah, Megan, and Jena. I really wouldn't mind being named queen, but it's not going to happen, so I'm rooting for Kendrah. I hope George gets king if Kendrah does. If I get queen, I hope Brendon gets it. As long as Jena or Megan don't get queen, I'll be okay. Those girls are annoying...especially Jena. Oh well. Umm, yea, this weekend kind of sucked a lot. I wanted to see Matt really bad, but he was out camping with his buddies and I wasn't invited...figures. Oh well, I drove around w/ Shannon all night and we ended up meeting some new kids. Wasn't a total waste of time, I guess...oh well...So, I'm never going to talk to Matt Clover, Brian Earl, or Brian Mehaffy again. They each had their weeks to get in touch with me and they all failed to do so, so I'm moving on...what happens happens I suppose. Oh, and I'm freaking out 'cuz now I don't want to be a doctor. Lol. Shit.