Mar 19, 2009 21:50
So plenty of people have been talking about a law that will allow bicyclist in Oregon to pass through stop signs without any worry of actually stopping. They must, however, proceed "slowly and safely" although there is no actual speed or definition of slowly or safely.
This is an extremely retarded law. With bicyclist constantly flaunting their cycling rights at the risk of mutilation via asphalt, this will just cause more people to get hit by cars. No, really. I've seen it. I've seen bicyclist break themselves just to show that they were right and that the big nasty SUV and its huge carbon foot print was in the wrong.
Example: Saturn SUV was trying to sneak to the right, and in doing so he occluded a bike lane. The way he was doing this technically put him in the wrong. Per bystanders on scene, the bicyclist headed straight ahead and braced prior to impact, never once hitting his brakes. He freely admitted this as we went to the hospital and he talked about how much money he was going to "rape out of that guy's asshole." No, he does not represent all bicyclist. But yes, there are many others just like him.
However, call volume has been low as many do not have insurance. Now with any luck we can bump off a few morons trying to prove incredibly stupid points, while at the same time raising money for the local EMS community.
People are truly stupid.
P.S. I don't actually want anyone to die proving a point. It is just sad when that is what it will take to make people realize the law was dumb idea in the first place, IF they ever do.