Jun 23, 2005 03:14
Well, the last few days have been pretty busy for me around here. Monday night I forgot to pull my car into the driveway off of the street & cops give people tickets for that. So I woke up & freaked out b/c I realized I forgot to do that. Then I jumped out of bed, grabbed my hat & keys & then ran outside. THANKFULLY, I didn't have a ticket. Not a cool way to start the day. lol I went to Best Buy & got a new Foo Fighters CD (Although, apparently it wasn't the CD that was skipping b/c Nichele said that her CD skipped on her computer too but not her CD player. The same thing happened to mine!). I organized my room & unpacked a bit, talked w/ Nichele & Nikki (which was a blast!) on the phone, & watched Rescue Me (AWESOME show! Go see!). I also watched a tape of this show called 30 Days which is from the guy who directed Super Size Me. It follows someone for 30 days in situations that is different from their normal lifestyle. It's a REALLY cool show - it's on FX & I highly suggest you all go see it. The first episode followed the director & his fiancee as they lived on minimum wage. Crazy stuff. I also went for a jog/walk yesterday. I'm going to try & do that more often.
Today I went grocery shopping at this new store that went up next to my old job. My mom gave me $50 for food for myself (mostly) & I spent $35 more than that. YIKES! But I got a lot of good stuff. I unpacked & organized my room a bit more as well. I watched The Inside & 30 Days as well. I saw the preview for the show Bones which looks like a REALLY cool show!!!! It's on Fox this fall & it's got David Boreanaz - it's good to see him acting in something else. It looks funny & really cool.
Um. Basically that's it. lol I'm going to go crash. Laters. =P
P.S. - Go get the new Foo CD!!!!