I'm Dying Tomorrow - Did I Did I Do It Right?

Apr 24, 2005 03:12

Yesterday was pretty good - I watched Dennis Miller's show on CNBC & he had Bill Kurtis on which is bad ass b/c Bill Kurtis is the man. Plus, he had Steve Carell on & I found out he's set to be in a Get Smart movie! I hope they don't fuck it up. lol I also watched Enterprise - I can't believe that show's almost over with. Sadness.
We had a small earthquake yesterday in the afternoon. It was crazy - I've been here 3 years & I'm still not used to them, really. I had a hilarious phone conversation w/ Nikki (nikkidemon) about music & I learned some really disturbing things about Mick Jagger, Rod Stewart, David Bowie & others. haha Poor Rod Stewart - having to get your stomach pumped b/c you swallowed too much cum must be quite the experience. haha
Today was nice - mostly laid back & it was pretty quiet around here. I talked w/ Nikki, Nichele (xinertiaticx), & Julia (First time we've talked on the phone in awhile - it was hilarious).
Meh, Nothing too exciting to report, I guess. Laters
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