You'd think they should be. I mean, look at all the outdoors they live in!
But poor M was covered in
rain rot when I brought him in today. No open sores, but he was definitely a bumpy horse right over the saddle area. So he got carrots, got brushed, and got put out with more carrots since we didn't have any spray for him that day. He thought it was the best day ever and will probably be even easier to catch next time -- right now he practically comes up and sticks his head into the halter.
So I rode D, who was cranky today, but his cranky is not a bad cranky. There was a caterpillar at the barn that was large and black/tan so I decided it was a rottweiler caterpillar.
Then I went home and am packing for an experimental week at EL's. The experiment is to try the commute from his place for a week and see how that goes. I need to go read for school some before bed so I must set down the laptop because the INTERNETS ARE OMG SO DISTRACTING. Oh and set out work clothes so I don't have to figure that out in the awful early hours. Sigh, it should be simpler than it is. Dressing like an adult is damn hard. Maybe I need different shoes that are work appropriate AND actually comfortable? It's one or the other at this point.
It's like eating like an adult. I fall back on pasta with cheese so much that even I am starting to get bored of it. I mentioned this to EL and he went, uh oh, should I not have bought stuff for making spaghetti and meatballs tomorrow? No, no, I could eat those until the cows came home and said, hey, what did you do with our cousin Vincent? It's the lack of creativity at home which bothers me.
OK, time to go pretend to be a good student and then a good employee, and then hopefully actually a good girlfriend.