Darn you Fred

Oct 06, 2009 22:34

I'm currently looking for creative ways to use 'emoragequit' in a sentence such as:  My toenail emoragequit on me and is falling off.  TRUE STORY.  Aren't you glad you now know that?

It's Fred's fault, really it is.  If I haven't explained it yet, Fred is the new imaginary employee at work who took my desk.  That is, someone left a note on my desk saying it was now Fred's.  Hint: he doesn't exist, if imaginary didn't clue you in. Since he doesn't, he's a great scapegoat for anything that needs scapegoating.

So yeah, Fred's fault.  I just wish Fred could explain some of the things which occur in a public library.

I mean, can you think of a reason, ANY reason at all why a grown man would choose to walk around with a red shower pouf festooning the upper part of his arm?

Can you also explain to me why a customer -- I mean patron (I'm not at work so I don't have to use the official inaccurate language) would ask if I had seen any rattlesnakes around before entering the children's section? She was looking for westerns she said, which simultaneously answers and raises more questions.

On a different note , I was pleased to see while going through the storytime nametags that there is not one 'Edina' nametag but two.  One was almost certainly an accidental repeat.  Wheel on fire anyone?  I of course made a 'Patsy' nametag and alphabetized it away.

silly, salt mines

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