Beware of skorkas

Aug 31, 2009 09:21

Over the weekend.  I got an email from inlovewithnight  saying "Hey, I found your Discover card in the dryer while I was doing laundry.  I set it on top of your TV in your room.  :) "

D'oh!  I am so smart.  S.M.R.T.

So I was watching The Penguins of Madagascar which is my not-at-all-guilty pleasure.  For those of you who haven't seen it or the Madagascar movies, you don't know the wacky fun you are missing.  Each penguin has a distinct personality.  There's the autocratic and bombastic Skipper, the mad scientist/straight man Kowalski, explosive vomiting (no really, he regurgitates explosives and other equipment at will) and psychopathic RIco, and sweet/innocent and slightly dopey Private.

They play hockey against sewer rats, steal popcorn from the zoo staff, and fight sky orcas (skorkas!).  The last episode I saw had a very strange conversation to occur between characters on a children's show.  Skipper is reminiscing about an incident in which Rico had to suck cobra venom from his 'left buttock' with a dreamy look on his face.  The other penguins look on with expressions of mingled horror and confusion.  Wacky fun!

birdies, wwr

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