Evil Lurker and I left early Saturday morning to drive up to Connecticut. How early?, you ask. REALLY early. Or really late depending on your point of view. I think it was 2:20am when we pulled out.
Why on earth would you leave at that ungodly hour?, you ask. Well, let's just say that sometimes our jobs suck and leave it at that. However, we are good at nocturnal roadtrips and the wedding was in the morning so it had to happen. Not that there wasn't some mild grumbling about blasted morning people who get married at 10:30am.
EL drove because that's what he does and I was awake the whole time except for the New York part. There were a couple rest stops and a hitting up of a Dunkin Donuts, because well, just because.
We arrived a bit after 9 I think and borrowed EL's parents' hotel room to shower and change before heading to the place. EL's family is awesome and irreverently quick-witted. Quick example: we were driving up and EL asked his aunt if he should bring in the gift now. Her answer: Well, duh.
It turned out to be a good thing that the ceremony was at 10:30 because it was HOT and VERY sunny and if it had been much later, there would have been people keeling over or melting while wearing overly warm dressy clothing.
it was nice though and not too long and then we commenced to sit around while pictures were taken and prep happened in the back. EL and I chatted with his sister T for much of the time. She's a teacher and has some great stories about her students, more specifically her students' names. I'll post one particularly good anecdote under flist-lock shortly just in case anyone connected to her or the school every stumbles across this although I sincerely doubt that would ever occur.
The food and festivities went on for a while and there was much silliness -- there was very nearly a hairiest toe contest
We then drove to Rhode Island to EL's grandmother's home, encountering a parade of unknown origin along the way (it featured a goat, cockatiel's and chicks in cages on a float, and many people carrying round loaves of bread), saw where EL used to get sent to buy his other grandmother cigarettes, saw the GIANT insect sculpture that graces a local pest elimination service, stopped so EL could play Powerball, and arrived to more socializing with his immediate and extended family. And are they ever a lively bunch! His grandmother is really sweet and remembered me from her visit to VA last year which was nice.
After it wrapped up around ten, we went to the hotel and crashed hard. We go back on the road around 11, hit up another Dunkin Donuts, found coffee flavored syrup at a grocery story (used to make the official drink of Rhode Island, coffee milk!), and turned south again. Traffic was shitty for no apparent reason other than one flash thunderstorm (which was weathered in a Waffle House) and we got back at 10 and crashed again.
States we hit: Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts.
Most hilarious moment: In the car on the way home, I was reading an amusing passage from Forty Signs of Rain to EL. He listens to the radio or audiobooks a whole heck of a lot (his job involves driving for 10 plus hours per day) and his reactions to the controls on the radio/CD player are automatic. During the reading, he wanted to clarify a point and hit the off button on the panel to stop the narration -- in this case, me! I dissolved into laughter after realizing what had happened, the point was clarified and he hit the button AGAIN to restart the reading of the passage. As soon as I stopped laughing, I told him this was so getting put on the internets.