My bee icon seems to be stable yet again

Dec 15, 2008 12:13

The internets, they are back.  Aaaaaannnd of course, after the withdrawal earlier this week, once I actually have the access, I feel the need for an interweb fast.  I blame the fact that it's December -- the month that never fails to make me want to bury my head in the sand.  I've never mastered the hang of this solar festival thing -- (most) of the ideas behind them are nice, but in practice, it turns into too many obligations and too much stress.

Maybe it's a good thing I missed the Yuletide sign up deadline this year.

I am responding to the stress by making cookies (well actually Evil Lurker has been doing most of the making and I've just been eating them), YouTubing and choosing to celebrate Hogswatch instead.

The internet getting, cookie-making, and Watching of Things took up most of the weekend, except for abka , durge , and durge 's wife J's Bollywood dance performance on Saturday.  I was really glad I made it out to see it and the related works.  The title was Indiana Jones and the Temple of Dames and was really fun -- full of humor and sparkle. The rest of the dances were good too, although there was one that took itself a little too seriously for a little lot too long.  Further highlights were the hula dancing with live singing, and music, the coordinated basketball meets-tap piece, and the stompy stompy flamanco dance.  There was also a cheesetastic 80s...everything it seemed dance that I enjoyed, although I'm sure there was was a ton of things about it that just went right over my head.

I nearly didn't make it to the performance because I looked up the wrong Joy Of Motion order confirmation email in my Gmail account which was for a DIFFERENT show and a DIFFERENT theater and only the March 2008 date clued us in to my mistake. *headdesk*

Puck has met my roommate's cat Racetrack and they are giving each other very suspicious and curious looks. But there's no fur or feathers flying yet, so I am content.

random, birdies, dance dance, stress

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