Disjointed update

Nov 03, 2008 15:19

It's week three of leagues and hey, the sweeping muscles might have atrophied but they are still there.  My delivery is a lot smoother than I expected it to be after 6 months off plus an injury.  Yay curling!  And hey, those neat people, many of whom I haven't seen since March, are still there.

The new work schedule is very unforgiving towards having a life making ballet classes.  Sigh.  Guess I'll have to take what I can.  I haven't been back to belly dance since breaking the foot.  Again with the work schedule.

I've been sucking down a lot of TV and movies recently.  Has anyone else been watching True Blood? Also, why did no one sit me down and make me watch Real Genius before now? Evil Lurker is astounded by the number of 80s movies, TV, etc I have zero

I'm going a-trapezing with abka on Friday.  Can't wait!  Why yes, I am an adrenaline junkie.

random, sweep, dance dance, wwr

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