"if the young can fight and die they at least deserve a beer first" - U.S. irony I guess.

Feb 08, 2007 18:02

Just thought I'd share something on the Globe and Mail website that I can't get enough of.
I think there is something so the complexity that surrounds the simplicity of these photos.
Its in the "Features" section on the right side of the page, its called "Day In Pictures."
I like it.

My lifes new is somewhat less dramatic than these photos (well some of them)
I defended my thesis proposal last Friday and it went surprisingly well, which is very good because last week was a emotional rollercoaster in terms of graduate school. I was very happy to leave it on a happy note.
I cannot wait until the class portion of my Masters is done! COME ON APRIL!!!! until then I'll stick to my 12 hour work days 7 days a week - you'd think that would be a dramatization, but sometimes its pretty damn close.

Heading to Edmonton to visit some family for the "break". they give us a break so they can pile work on i think! ex) i have to mark midterms over the break and have presentations to make right after. It will be nice to see some family and check out a NHL game though!

And on an end note: DO NOT PLAY ONLINE SUDOKO if you are prone to addictions! If your not prone to addictions it could be the one that puts you off the wagon.
Jeeeezus that game is aggravating and punishing and so hard to not play.
I haven't won yet cause I give up on it every time. haha.

Balls to the wall boys, roughly 7 more months to go!
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